David Hughes is professor emeritus in health policy in the Faculty of Medicine, Health & Life Sciences at Swansea University, Wales, UK. He previously worked at the universities of Dundee, Oxford and Nottingham, and has held visiting positions at Brandeis University, USA, McMaster University, Canada, and Mahasarakham University, Thailand. Professor Hughes was supported by a “Second Home” Global Talents Recruitment Program award to visit Tongji for a month in 2018. He has published in the fields of health policy, medical sociology and socio-legal studies. Among the topics he has researched are doctor/patient communication, healthcare rationing, public and patient involvement, healthcare contracts and finance, purchaser/provider health system reforms, and the Turkish and Thai healthcare systems. Hughes has been a consultant on health reforms for the World Bank, and for the governments of Latvia, Lithuania, and Thailand. He participated in the 10-year assessment of the Thai universal coverage reforms. Until recently Hughes was programme manager for the social research methods component of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Wales Doctoral Training Partnership, and coordinated Swansea University’s M.Sc. Social Research Methods. He has supervised more than 20 Ph.D. completions, mostly on healthcare topics in third world countries. He has written articles on the methods of participant observation, policy ethnography and the Delphi technique, as well as on ethics in qualitative research. Hughes is a past editor of the journal Sociology of Health & Illness (Wiley-Blackwell), and has served on the editorial boards of Symbolic Interaction (Wiley), Healthcare (MDPI), Salute e Societa (Franco Angeli, Italy), and Thai Journal of Public Administration (NIDA). Hughes referees articles for many journals and reviews research proposals for several bodies, including the Health Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong SAR. He is a former Dean of the Faculty of Education and Health Studies at Swansea University and a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences (UK). More information here: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Hughes-33
Course: Qualitative Methods for Social Science and Management Research on Healthcare