Dr. Xi CHEN is an associate professor of global health policy and economics at Yale University and an adjunct professor at the Alzheimer's Disease Research Center of America. The main direction is public policy research in the fields of life cycle health, quality of life, and population aging. He also serves as a policy advisor to the United Nations; researcher at the German Institute for Labor Economics, head of the Environment and Human Capital Research Group of the Global Labor Organization, adjunct professor at the Institute for Global Health Development at Peking University, senior researcher at the Center for Health Economics and Inequality at Cornell University and member of the review committee in United Nations Sciences and Technology Organization (UNSTO), National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health (NIH). He is the co-editor of SCI's "Journal of Population Economics" and a guest editor of "Asian Economics" and other magazines.
Dr. Xi CHEN has published more than 80 papers in major academic journals in the fields of science, economics, and health care. He received the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award of the American Society for Agricultural and Applied Economics, the National Institutes of Health PEPPER Scholar Award, the National Institute on Aging Butler-Williams Scholar, and George Warren (George Warren) Applied Economics Research awards and many other awards.