Teacher: Dr. Sara Hägg, Karolinska Institutet (KI), Sweden
This is a five-day course that focuses on basic concepts, methods and study design in genetic and molecular epidemiology research. The course will be given in a blended learning format, consisting of lectures on zoom, reading sessions, video material and discussions. There is no examination in the end of the course, participation in lectures and discussion sessions is required to pass the course.
The intended learning outcome of the course is listed below. After successfully completing this course you are expected to be able to:
- Describe the basic organization of the human genome, familial inheritance, and how genetic variation can influence complex traits.
- Explain specific genetic methods and how these methods can be used in epidemiological studies.
- Explain different types of molecular omics techniques and how these methods can be used in epidemiological studies.
- Describe the fundamentals of study design of population-based cohorts.
- Give examples of how genetic methods can be beneficial for research and for individuals.
This course is intended for graduate and doctoral students in medical and related fields. Undergraduate students are also welcome to enroll. Participants should have foundational knowledge in epidemiology and molecular biology.